// Transparency and Integrity

When you choose VRG, you're not just investing in your own performance and style - you're contributing to a pioneering change in the way cycling apparel is made. By crafting custom clothing on demand and producing our RE_ACT Collection in small, carefully forecasted batches, we're breaking the traditional and out-dated mould.


Our made-to-order model and small-batch RE_ACT Collection mean we don't keep excessive stock, reducing waste and ensuring a more sustainable approach to production.


Clothing that fits you perfectly gets worn more often and lasts longer, so you can invest in fewer pieces that perform better, instead of settling for poorly-conceived, mass-produced gear.


We own and operate our own facility, giving us complete control. This also allows us to quickly implement improvements and refinements based on customer feedback and insights from professional teams.


Our Cavite facilities in The Philippines are more than just a place of business - they're a testament to our commitment to ethical manufacturing and our respect for the skilled staff who bring our designs to life.

At VRG, we're committed to being honest, caring for the environment, and giving you a product that works exceptionally well and keeps getting better. Our lean business model allows us to continuously refine and improve our products, ensuring that you always have access to the latest advancements in cycling apparel.

By choosing VRG, you're supporting a new era of responsible, made-to-order and small-batch manufacturing in the cycling apparel industry. You're also becoming part of a community that values constant improvement and performance excellence.